What was unique & worth reflecting about?

What made me start pondering was the dialogue in the movie – “A team is made of 2 things, players and team spirit” that is so true for a company. A successful company is made of 2 things Team (people /employee/resources) and the team spirit (company spirit).

Most of the companies, including a few of mine have a great team but are missing the right team spirit, once this merges no one can stop us from being one of the best companies.

How can I use what I learned today?

  • The first thing I did and would advise others to do is to get their kids to watch the movie, Sit with them all along and address any concerns they raise. This movie will instill a sense of team spirit, defines the difficulties of any journey, and ultimately will introduce them to life challenges a little bit more.
  • Work on building a team spirit in the companies and teams that are still disconnected.

What do I want to learn or do more about this information, and why?

  • I want to learn and work with my team leads and executive team in building a better team spirit and carefully align/tie the company’s common goal to the individual’s employment goals.
  • If possible institute an army’s battalion kind of spirit, where they are ready to fight for the battalion more than even the country. Instituting the spirit so no easy task but something we all should work towards, if that is achieved nothing can stop real innovation, revolutionary culture, and great fun overall.

My Top 3 Quotes

  • “Big dreams are the ones that keep you awake”
  • “Life does not give things on a silver platter”
  • “A team is made of 2 things players and team spirit”

Additional Reflections

  • I loved the simplicity of the movie and how it brings forward the reality of the struggle that one goes through in life. How being strong and keeping your head straight in most adversities is the key to being successful in every field in life.

More than surprising it uplifted my spirit. Such movies display human endurance and the never dying attitude to bring in a great well for all others to follow.