What is one major thing I learned?


  • When you turn 65, you probably have the equivalent of another whole career ahead of you. Another 30 maybe even 40 years. You won’t want to be doing the same thing as before. But you will want to be doing something. And that’s the question — what is that?
  • It’s as if your 30’s and 40’s are a training period for the second half of life, which starts at 50. Who will you be at 100?

Your intellectual mind can’t extrapolate beyond the next few years. Asking the question forces your brain to tap into deeper things, like your intuition, and dreams you might have always had, in the background.

What can be done with what I learned today?

Today’s discussion we narrow down what I wanted out of the meeting and came up with the following 3 words that I could think I need to focus on, this was totally out of the gut decision, not much reflection, but thought let’s start from here and pivot as we go by.

I want to be Result oriented, Transformative, and Visionary leader”

What do I want to learn more about, and why?

  • Well, I need to reflect on the discussion and the statement – “I want to be Result oriented, Transformative, and Visionary leader”
  • I want to start reflecting on WHO WILL I BE AT 100.
  • Why I need to reflect on this – this will give me further clarity to my goals and path

What surprised me today, and why?

How sometimes rainmakers can be negative for the organization and getting rid of them is the best thing to do, I have read about it in past and experienced the same at PeopleCentral.

My Top learning

My top learning came when I had asked what 20% the mentor did in his entrepreneur journey, which made an 80% impact

  • Having an exit plan – enables one to start focusing on guidelines on what to work on, what kind of client to have and, what kind of client to avoid, what features to focus on
  • Get the right COO – This enables the CEO to focus on what was important
  • What was missed was not having neutral coaching, 3rd party (people who are not engaged in his work)