Anita’s Experience

This place is like an adda ( – its an indian lingo for base or den ) for me. I generally drop my daughter off for her art class and have my caffeine dose here. So it was like a tried and tested place to get your partner. The place is kool and generally has an aroma of truffle in air coz mostly people around order truffle fries.

Prabjeet Experience

Well today was a relaxed Saturday brunch time, this time it was 3 of us, Anita me, and Saniya, I wanted to try something new, looked at many options but locked down on Chicken Katsudon (Japanese Dish)

What made it more delicious for me was a sause called Hollandaise which was actually served with Saniya’s Brunch the sauce is an emulsion of egg yolk, melted butter, and lemon juice, Zillion calories for someone who has just come out of 6 pack journey, but it made the dish more enjoyable for me.

today they were no clinking of glasses but rather a chopstick cheers to our photo. Mine was a piece of chicken and Anita had an egg yolk, glad we are on this 100 R&C journey, it’s getting exciting as we are jogging through it.

  • Location: 185 Upper Thomson Rd, Singapore 574333
  • Date: Dec 11, 2021
  • Type: Cafe
  • Time of the day: Afternoon 2 pm