Anita’s Experience

After stressful Weeks this was a solacing weekend. It appeared that we are doing nothing much actually but I could feel the comfort in my head that made these cheers special.

Prabjeet Experience

I have started to visit coffee bean stores more than Starbucks after Anita got me to like the coffee @ coffee bean, I was more of a Starbucks person before this.

Actually, I am not a tea or coffee person for the most part of my active life, to the contrary Anita is a tea and coffee person, I think this has over 2 decades eventually started rubbing on me and I realize and getting being more of hot drinks person now.

As it’s a newly opened outlet It had a good vibe and felt pretty chilled.

  • Location: 207 Upper Thomson Rd, Singapore 574346
  • Date: Dec 11, 2021
  • Type: Cafe
  • Time of the day: Afternoon 2 pm