Anita’s Experience

Generally, we break a coconut as an act of good beginnings so Diverso was that start of a restaurant for me. The excitement of being in Greece and kicking off the first day was already running on me. We had a good club sandwich for breakfast and coffee to start our trek.

Prabjeet Experience

Day 1 in Santorini had a trek planned from Fira to Oia (one of best treks with a glorious view you will find Phirostefani and Imerovigil one of the few villages – recommend, if you can, do it) before we fire up we wanted the pre-workout caffeine and this became our first cafe in Fira – Santorini (Greece).

First experience of the road side cafe in Greece and looking forward to experience as many cafe as we can in Greece and in the Balkans.

  • Location: 25is Martiou 303, Thira 847 00, Greece
  • Date: Dec 10, 2022
  • Type: Cafe