Anita’s Experience

This is a neighborhood coffee shop where I had kept it on my reserved list. Reserved – when you are in short of time or in short of a place to go as being nearby will hardly take time to be there.

So when you seriously wanna have coffee on havelock road and seriously don’t want to think and just wanna coffee then this is the place. Straightforward – have a talk, have your caffeine content, mission accomplished, go back. Oh yeah, the blackboard has a soft corner to me personally so ya, its blackboard did catch our attention.

Prabjeet Experience

Today evening it was raining my meeting got canceled I don’t want to break from the routine We started exploring cafes that are close to our house. We found a family run cafe with an interesting painting on one of its wall and felt like having something salty which they didn’t have so we settled with a banana muffin and a cappuccino.

There was a blackboard with the menu written in calligraphy, not very pretty I thought my daughter could do a better version of that for this cafe. I went to the owner and offered him that if needed my daughter could come one day and redo the blackboard without any cost. He felt it was too much hassle to remove all stuff aside to change the board, never mind I at least asked.

  • Location: 22 Havelock Rd, #01-705 Block 22, Singapore 160022
  • Date: Feb 6, 2022
  • Type: Cafe
  • Time of the day: Evening 8 pm