Show your work

Author – Austin Kleon

Date Started – 11 July 2022

Data Finished – 27 July 2022

The Book in 3 Sentences

  1. The book explores the importance of sharing one’s work and ideas with others and
    a. How it helps in connecting with others and building a community around one’s work,
    b. How it helps others understand your work and gives them insight into your creative process.
    c. How it allows others to learn from you.
  2. The book encourages us to embrace failure and mistakes as part of the learning process and not to be afraid to share our work, even if it is not perfect.
  3. The book is also an excellent resource for anyone looking to build a personal brand and establish themselves as a thought leader in their field. Whether you are just starting out or are already established in your career, the lessons in this book can help you connect with others, build a community, and grow your network.

How the Book Changed Me

This book was a transformative experience for me as it opened my eyes to the power of sharing my work and ideas. The realization that my contributions could have a positive impact on someone, somewhere, was incredibly inspiring.

It highlighted that our own perception limits our thoughts and imaginations and that beyond that, there is a vast world waiting to be impacted by what we have to offer. This book gave me the courage to step out of my comfort zone and share my talents with the world, knowing that it has the potential to make a difference in someone’s life.

My Top 3 Quotes

  • “The secret to getting ahead is getting started.”
  • “If you’re not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.”
  • “If you’re not making mistakes, you’re not making anything.”

Who should read it

Is an excellent read for anyone looking to build a community around their work and connect with others in their field. The book is handy for artists, creatives, and entrepreneurs who are looking for ways to share their work and ideas with others.

Additionally, it is also a great resource for anyone looking to build a personal brand and establish themselves as a thought leader in their field. Whether you are just starting out or are already established in your career, the lessons in this book can help you connect with others, build a community, and grow your network.

Summary + Notes

The ten lessons from “Show Your Work!” book

  1. Share what you love: Share your passions, interests, and hobbies with others.
  2. Share your process: Share the process of how you create your work.
  3. Be a documentarian: Keep a record of your work and ideas.
  4. Teach what you know: Share your knowledge and expertise with others.
  5. Lead by example: Be a good role model and lead by example when it comes to sharing your work and ideas.
  6. Connect with others: Build relationships with others in your field.
  7. Embrace failure and mistakes: Embrace failure and mistakes as part of the learning process.
  8. Collaborate with others: Work with others to create new and innovative work.
  9. Be generous: Share your work freely with others and be generous with your time and knowledge.
  10. Keep it simple: Keep your work and ideas simple so that others can understand and engage with them.