On a casual chat Amardeep mentioned about 75HARD challenge and how he was looking into it. I was immediately intrigued and looked up what the challenge was all about.
The 75 Hard Challenge was created by fitness guru Andy Frisella. Who wanted to make a challenge that would show people what effect 75 days straight of discipline could have on yourself. It’s important to note that you should consult your physician or health care provider before starting 75 Hard or any other fitness program to determine if it is right for your needs and to not start if they advise you against it.
The challenge consists of sticking to five main pillars for 75 days straight:
You must drink one gallon of water a day.
You must pick a diet and stick to it, with no cheat meals (also, no alcohol).
You must workout twice a day for 45 minutes, and one of the workouts must be done outdoors.
You must read 10 pages of an entrepreneurial or self-help book each day.
You must take a progress picture each day.
On the surface, this may seem like more of a physical fitness challenge, but Frisella strictly rejects this idea. While it’s true that switching to these habits will most likely have a physical effect on your body, this challenge was crafted purely to test mental toughness. The point is to prove to yourself that you will stick to the guidelines no matter what — absolutely no excuses or modifications. The catch is that if you don’t completely abide by these guidelines even just for one day or have one slip up, you have to start over.
I spoke about it to my daughters 14 & 11 and was able to get them onboard, we did change the program to suit their age, following is our review of how it was overall.
75 HARD Challenge Reviewed by Saniya Kaur Anand

Saniya Kaur Anand 75HARD Challenge Review
Saniya: “It Felt ok eventually. But in the start, it was tough because we were not used to it because we did not schedule. So, we would rush through at night.
One of the tasks was drinking water. So, I would need to go to the toilet at night, which really messed up my sleep.
Hanging was another task that was ok because I heard music while doing it. But it really hurt my hands because the blisters had almost no time to repair because I had to hang every day. But after 20-30 days, it became natural, so it did not affect much.
One hour studying any subject was easy since I did it everyday. What made it tough was CCA days when I came late, tired and I had limited time.
The hardest one was Hindi because it was something I hated and it took so much effort to do it. This made me do so much in Hindi; I might, I have might not done in my life
The easiest was reading 10% of the book because it would keep me on track of the story. It made me finish a book that was boring. Also, since I needed to read books, I finally started the book I always wanted to do. I finish 12 1/2 books.
Overall, I felt this was ok because it made me do things I needed to do. I would eventually see my results of this in my exams and overall accomplishment and health”.
75 HARD Challenge Reviewed by Dia Kaur Anand

Dia Kaur Anand 75HARD Challenge Review
Dia:. How was it? “Very Interesting nothing that we have done before & very painful”
Why I did not like? “Painful and Annoying.”
What I liked? “10 minutes Ukulele. I improved a lot though. Most exciting, I can play better and faster now.”
(AFTER) hanging-. Grew taller,
(Middle) Improved-> Ukuele,
(ALL THE TIME ALMOST)-> I ended finishing my water at night not being able to drink milk 30 minutes-.
I don’t think I improved. (Studying),
Sit ups & Plank: Made me better in core strength.”
-Very Interesting
-Improved on Ukulele.
-Made me stay up (Kind of)
-Hard to do during exams,
-Hard to finish movies because I postpone
-Hard to do sit-ups in bed without starting a drama.”
75 Days of Transformation: Our Family’s Journey Through the 75 Hard Challenge

Prabjeet Singh Anand 75HARD Challenge Review
My Take: It is rare to find an opportunity that challenges the body and mind and strengthens the bonds of family. The 75 Hard Challenge, a gruelling 75-day mental and physical fortitude marathon, became our family’s collective quest. With my two daughters by my side, we embarked on a journey that tested our limits and expanded our horizons.
Each day, we committed ourselves to a regimen, this was more than a fitness challenge; it was a holistic approach to reshaping our lifestyles, the challenge became our shared language, our common struggle, and our collective triumph. There were days when our muscles ached, and our willpower wavered. But we learned to find strength in each other, to push through the plateaus.
For me the daily reading of the Guru Granth Sahib became a haven of peace and reflection amidst the physical rigor. The wisdom of its pages became a guide, reminding me that our journey was as much about nurturing the soul as it was about strengthening the body.
The 75 Hard Challenge has laid down a foundation for all of use, adding one more success to our lives and changing our beliefs, we are a different version now.
If you want to try this challenge, go for it! Make sure you know why you are doing it and help each other out. It will not be easy, but it is worth it. You will learn a lot and feel great.
We did it! We finished the challenge, and we are so glad we did. We feel better, we are closer, and we are excited about what comes next. If we can do it, you can too. Our story will make you want to try something new. If you have a story like ours or you are thinking about starting a challenge, tell us about it. We can all share tips and cheer each other on.